Product Category: Copper
Product Name: 110 Copper Round Rod, Unpolished (Mill) Finish, H04 Temper, ASTM B187, 0.125" Diameter, 24" Length
This is information about 110 Copper Round Rod, Unpolished (Mill) Finish, H04 Temper, ASTM B187, 0.125" Diameter, 24" Length, please read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to buy this 110 Copper Round Rod, Unpolished (Mill) Finish, H04 Temper, ASTM B187, 0.125" Diameter, 24" Length, then you can press the image to see best price. You can make sure whether this product has the benefit. And finally you can buy 110 Copper Round Rod, Unpolished (Mill) Finish, H04 Temper, ASTM B187, 0.125" Diameter, 24" Length online with easy shipping to your home.
110 Copper Round Rod, Unpolished (Mill) Finish, H04 Temper, ASTM B187, 0.125" Diameter, 24" Length
Product Features:
- 110 copper has high conductivity and formability
- Meets ASTM B187 specifications
- Unpolished (mill) surface has no finish
- H04 temper has been cold worked to a hard temper
- Standard tolerance
And remember since the best price will not last long. So, buy this 110 Copper Round Rod, Unpolished (Mill) Finish, H04 Temper, ASTM B187, 0.125" Diameter, 24" Length now and I hope you satisfied with the price offered.

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