Product Category: All Products
Product Name: Nesco PIC-14 Portable Induction Cooktop, 1500-Watt
Recommend and introducing: Nesco PIC-14 Portable Induction Cooktop, 1500-Watt, please read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to purchase this Nesco PIC-14 Portable Induction Cooktop, 1500-Watt, then you can press the picture to see price. You can make sure whether this product has the benefit. Then you will be able to buy Nesco PIC-14 Portable Induction Cooktop, 1500-Watt online with easy delivery to your home.
Nesco PIC-14 Portable Induction Cooktop, 1500-Watt
- Five power settings
- Area around pan stays cool to the touch
- 84% energy efficient
- Greater heat consistency
- Includes magnet to test cookware
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