Product Category: Dry Erase Boards
Product Name: 3M Whiteboard Eraser for Whiteboards, 2-Pack
Are you looking for 3M Whiteboard Eraser for Whiteboards, 2-Pack, please read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to buy this 3M Whiteboard Eraser for Whiteboards, 2-Pack, then you can press the picture to see cheapest price. You can make sure whether this item has the benefit. So you can buy 3M Whiteboard Eraser for Whiteboards, 2-Pack online with easy delivery to your home.
3M Whiteboard Eraser for Whiteboards, 2-Pack
Product Features:
- Great for cleaning dry-erase boards
- No need for sprays or cleaners
- Removes permanent marker from white boards - simply add water!
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