Product Category: Air Compressors
Product Name: PORTER-CABLE C1010 Heavy-Duty 1-Gallon 135 PSI Max Quiet Trim Compressor
Are you looking for PORTER-CABLE C1010 Heavy-Duty 1-Gallon 135 PSI Max Quiet Trim Compressor, kindly read the product description and features first. If you feel suitable and would like to buy this PORTER-CABLE C1010 Heavy-Duty 1-Gallon 135 PSI Max Quiet Trim Compressor, then you can click the picture to see current price. You can make sure whether this product has the advantage. Then you'll be able to buy PORTER-CABLE C1010 Heavy-Duty 1-Gallon 135 PSI Max Quiet Trim Compressor online with easy shipping to your home.
PORTER-CABLE C1010 Heavy-Duty 1-Gallon 135 PSI Max Quiet Trim Compressor
Product Features:
- 0.75 SCFM delivered at 90 PSI; one-gallon tank and 135 PSI max enable surge performance with quick recovery
- Durable, maintenance-free pump ensures ease of use and long product life
- Low 71 dBA for quiet operation; 2.6-amp draw for easy start up and reduced breaker tripping
- High-flow regulator provides maximum performance
- Light weight (23 pounds) and compact design (9 inches tall) for convenient storage and transport
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